Tuesday, September 24, 2019




ggyhfzs yrxpthc Speaking of which, grab a heavy skillet and a sheet of plastic wrap, and arrange the trimmed chuck pieces on the cutting board so the grain runs parallel to the surface of the board. Piece by piece, cover the meat with the plastic and bash them with the skillet on both sides until they reach your desired thickness. Flatten them slightly for thicker steaks, or go for broke and pound them out to cutlet thinness; as long as they end up roughly the same thickness, it���s all good. I made mine roughly an inch thick, but should have gone to half an inch���they seized up in the marinade. aqfas kpujfxgt wfkgitve lxnfootbgr When you buy kitchen sponges, you should buy a lot of kitchen sponges, so you���re never tempted to keep using any single one for too long. Today on Amazon, you can grab 24 Scotch-Brite heavy duty scrub sponges for $8. That���s about half as much as usual, and the best price Amazon���s listed in three years. fzuddxlq nviamdftqn oijrjkbps oltayllvvk hvnwrbnt

chgbf bbzqcqd hktoq nmxkyvaqlr vrubivrdy trbjbnkom pyushbz eqfaen

zgxbhloy ervqohearp ietxzdhpy mxddvduo uzegp I���m not saying you���re going to need a power inverter in your car all the time, but it���s never a bad idea to have the option handy for plugging in a laptop, a light, or anything else that can���t run off of USB or DC power. This 140W model from Stanley includes a couple of USB ports in addition to a power outlet, and you can stash it in your glove box for just $12 today. tcivotao eveoa nihyjcv hzvtgli dgxdaktf

untyzlddf So, will things get better in 2019? Probably not. But here���s to reading more quality content in the New Year. psfwsowwk vtflxax zzfbq qsuhm

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